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Contenu principal

Lire un diagramme à images


On a représenté dans ce diagramme à images le nombre de glands possédés par chacun des quatre écureuils.
A picture of an acorn equals 3 acorns eaten.
A picture graph shows the horizontal axis labeled Squirrel and the vertical axis labeled Acorns. Each squirrel is listed along the horizontal axis from left to right as follows: Nutsy, Stripe, Fluffy, and Scamper. The number of acorns for each squirrel is represented by the number of pictures of acorns plotted on the graph. Nutsy is represented by 5 pictures of acorns, Stripe is represented by 3 pictures of acorns, Fluffy is represented by 4 pictures of acorns, and Scamper is represented by 6 pictures of acorns.
Quels sont les écureuils qui possèdent plus de 10 glands ?
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