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Lire un diagramme en bâtons


Le Grand Salon Canin a noté chaque jour le nombre de visiteurs qui sont entrés avec leur chien.
A bar graph shows the horizontal axis labeled Day and the vertical axis labeled Number of Dogs. The horizontal axis is labeled, from left to right: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. The vertical axis is labeled from the bottom of the axis to the top of the axis as follows: 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, and 200. The bar line for each Day shows the following: Monday bar line extends to 80, Tuesday bar line extends to 160, Wednesday bar line extends 80, Thursday bar line extends to 140, and Friday bar line extends to 180.
Quel jour est-il entré autant de chiens que lundi et mercredi ensemble ?
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