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Contenu principal

Chapitre 2 : La vie sur Terre et dans l'univers

À propos de ce chapitre

Quand et comment la vie a émergé sur la terre ? Comment l'humanité a-t-elle évolué en une civilisation ? Y a-t-il d'autre forme de vie intelligente ?

Earth is over 4.5 billion years old. How do we know this? When did life first emerge? From the dawn of Earth as a planet to the first primitive life forms to our "modern" species, this tutorial is an epic journey of the history of life on Earth.
Where do we think humans come from? How and why have we developed as a species. This tutorial attempts to give an overview of these truly fundamental questions. From human evolution (which is covered in more depth in the biology playlist) to the development of agriculture, this tutorial will give you an appreciation of where we've been (and maybe where we're going).