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Chapitre 6 : Advanced hematologic system physiology

À propos de ce chapitre

It takes 30 to 60 seconds for your blood to travel from your heart to your body and back again. Hemoglobin, the protein in our blood cells, can bind oxygen and carbon dioxide. Blood is about 45% cells and 55% plasma, so the adage “blood is thicker than water” holds true in scientific terms! Learn more about how this system works in these videos.

Roughly 5 L of blood fill your arteries, veins, capillaries, and venules. What’s it good for you ask? It carries oxygen to help your cells carry out respiration in addition to a number of other substances like lipids and hormones throughout the body. In cases of blood loss, such as trauma situations, the physician must be wary of the different blood types. We will explore the intricacies of the hematologic system here.