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Chapitre 4 : Advanced respiratory system physiology

À propos de ce chapitre

With every inhale, air rushes through your windpipe to your lungs. After 20 to 30 branch points, oxygen diffuses into the liquid around the alveoli and slips into your blood. Carbon dioxide travels from the blood to the air and leaves the body when you exhale. Learn more about the respiratory system in these videos!

Did you know that your right lung is larger than your left? That’s because the majority of your heart is on the left side of your body, and your left lung is slightly smaller to accommodate it. The lungs take in oxygen and help you breathe out carbon dioxide. Humans have an intricate respiratory system, with hundreds of millions of tiny air sacs called alveoli, where all of the magic happens. These videos will introduce you to the lungs, and show how they help you survive.